Indexing Editor

 As an indexing editor in a scholarly journal, your job responsibility would involve creating and maintaining an index of the articles published in the journal. This index is an alphabetical listing of the important concepts, names, and terms that appear in the articles.

Your role as an indexing editor would include:

  1. Reading and analyzing the articles published in the journal to identify the key concepts, terms, and names.

  2. Creating a list of these key items and organizing them in alphabetical order.

  3. Assigning appropriate subject headings or keywords to each item to facilitate easy retrieval of information by readers.

  4. Ensuring the accuracy and consistency of the index and making any necessary updates or corrections.

  5. Collaborating with the editorial team to ensure that the index meets the journal's standards and guidelines.

  6. Ensuring that the index is published along with each issue of the journal and is easily accessible to readers.

Overall, your role as an indexing editor plays an important part in ensuring that readers can easily find and access the information they need from the scholarly journal. Please email your detailed resume if you are interested.

Posting data:  2024. March.31 open until filled.